

The Healing Waters: Summer Slow Cooker: Warm Chicken Pita or Lettuce Wrap

Food item a day #10

The Healing Waters: Summer Slow Cooker: Warm Chicken Pita or Lettuce Wrap: From Denny:  The beauty of slow food is you can forget about it for awhile after it gets going on the stove.  Then you are free to run a few short errands close to the house, go grocery shopping or clean around the house.

Since I'm no fan of long hours of house cleaning like it's a Saturday marathon I clean in short spurts for 10 to 15 minutes several times a day or week, depending upon how long a project takes.

I've even educated my husband how you can load the dishwasher in the amount of time it takes for commercial TV breaks to scream at you around the corner.  Fortunately, this year Congress passed a law forcing the advertisers to turn down the volume.

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