Posts on astronomy, news, politics, poetry, lots of crazy humor, health and food.
From Denny: The past month I've been busy rounding up what the readers enjoyed throughout the year on all the blogs. It's amazing what people find intriguing - like the crazy humor post about the sloths over at Dennys Funny Quotes. The sloth post has gone past 30,000 views. People just love the cute little guys in the video. It's for a good cause too - a sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica.
Thanks, all of you, for visiting, commenting, subscribing in feeds and email updates! Your support is much appreciated!
Links follow * * *
The Social Poets:
Funny Politics: Obama 2011 State Of The Union Cartoons - How the cartoonists viewed the 2011 SOTU and cracked Republican responses.
Taxpayers to Golman Sachs: Give Us Back Our $3 Billion You Stole - Wall Street corruption, detailed blow by blow, in commission report - and still no one goes to jail.
Guns, Economy, Political Discourse Cartoons - Check out what cartoonists had to say this week about our economy and guns in America.
Mother Holy Spirit poem - Libations Sunday 23 Jan 2011 - What do you know about the - sometimes controversial - feminine principle of God?
China Visit Cartoons - Check out the funny opinions from the national cartoonists since China came to town.
Poll: Palin Wears Thin on America
Funny News: Check Out That Huge Honking Political Gavel - Check out the amusing history of our American House Speakers and the gavels they wield like weapons in the political chamber.
Political Discourse American Style: Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011 - Check out the gun cartoons and how cartoonists view political discourse in America.
37 Guns Issue and Tucson Shooting Cartoons - Check out how cartoonists drew their opinions about the Tucson tragedy that occurred only last weekend.
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes
Shooting Victim Rep. Giffords Responds Well to Friends and Family - Good news: Update on Rep. Giffords recovery process.
News Analysis: Soul-Searching in America Over Giffords Shooting - How the politics of violence has become the national conversation. Political cartoons too.
Democrat, Rep. Giffords, Shot In Head At Rally By Crazed Gunman Attack: 6 Dead - Poisonous politics from the Republicans have come to this - shooting the good politicians and innocent bystanders.
Crazy American Political Humor - 8 Jan 2011 - House Republicans gleefully take over the American government yet bluff their way through the job and mess up. Democrats gloat and snicker.
Clueless New House GOP Act Like Bozos On First Day - First day on the job and the House GOP do not know how to do their job.
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers - Check out the most interesting offerings from some great designers this year.
Funny Video: Happy New Year, Cartoonist Review of 2010 - Get a New Year grin at the cartoonist review of our last political year.
New Year Celebrations: History And Trivia - Check out how celebrating the New Year was once considered controversial throughout history.
Crazy American Political Humor - 1 Jan 2011 - New Years, Christmas and politics all converge for your amusement by your favorite cartoonists.
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Wonderful Serious Quotes About Time
Poll: Most Admired People For 2010 - Check out the most admired people in America for 2010.
Arrested WikiLeaks Founder Signs $1.3 Million Book Deal To Tell All - Rape, treason and information-dealing pay off for WikiLeaks Assange.
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010 - Check out the most recent funny Santa cartoons along with some cracked cartooning minds.
Funny Christmas Cartoons - Check out the irreverent cartoonist offerings for the holiday season.
Dennys Global Politics:
Egypt Uprising: Throes of Revolution, Why? - Learn more about Egypt, their righteous grievances, their push for democracy.
Transcript: Obama 2011 State Of The Union Address
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Global Politics - Check out some stellar political cartoons chronicling social issues and politics throughout the year, news analysis and opinion.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Cranky Senator McCain - Cranky politicians make themselves useful as objects suitable for satire.
Political Cartoons: Obama 2011 State Of The Union
39 Funny Satire Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011 - Cartoons that will keep you laughing for a life time as you see yourself - or your neighbor - from a laughable angle.
Popular Posts 2010 at Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - Get your laughs here and watch your bad day melt away while you fall off your chair laughing.
Most Popular Posts 2010 at The Soul Calendar
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers
Funny Videos: Dancing Penguins - Get a grin at a real dancing penguin that was on the news and another animated hip song version.
Funny Videos: Happy New Year From Cartoonists - Check out the cartoonists funny idea of wishing us a Happy New Year.
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010 - Check out the most recent funny Santa cartoons along with some cracked cartooning minds.
Funny Video: WikiLeaks Reveals Santa Naughty List - View a cute problem-solving session on the school playground.
Funny Video: Jimmy Kimmel Pokes Fun At WikiLeaks Assange - Comedians rip silly WikiLeaks founder Assange. WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Gets a New Prison Nickname

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd:
Weird News: Octuplet Mom Films Odd Fetish Video - Just when you thought life and entertainment could not get any stranger, well, it does.
Leftover Funny Christmas Cartoons in January
Popular Posts 2010 at Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd
Poems From A Spiritual Heart:
Blue Heron Balancing the Wind - The agony and victory of creating our balance in Life.
Silent Voice Singing - Our writing voice is heard in the silence.
Water of Life - Have you ever wondered the messages Nature speaks to us every day, happening every minute all around us? Great Nature photos.
Video: Happy New Year 2011 Animated Dancing Penguins - Enjoy an amusing New Year wish from the animated corner of the world. New York Times Square 2011 New Year video too.
New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss - In spite of all the negatives going on around us in our daily life these things shall soon pass. Keep your balance and strive to better the world.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
Poem: Snowing The Perfect Balance - How is our life affected by our perceptions and which perception helps us bring everything into balance?
Are You Willing To Step Over Your Self-Imposed Limits? - Do you feel you are on a plateau going nowhere? How to move past where you are in Life to receive your blessings.
Dennys Art Sanctuary:
Art Video: Happy New Year From Cartoonist - Enjoy an artist drawing a New Year doodle, a singing animation New Year wish and the 2011 New York Times Square New Year video.
5 Jerkin Dance Tutorial Videos
The Soul Calendar:
Funny Technology Cartoons For A Laugh - Get a grin at some crazy cartoons about living in a tech world and enjoy a fish head photo illusion.
Cosmic Bloodhound: Hubble Telescope Finds Distant Ancient Galaxy? - Check out what Hubble has found in the primordial beginnings of our universe.
What Is The 200 Year Mystery of Epsilon Aurigae? - Check out the latest findings to answer the 200 year old questions baffling astronomers.
Funny Technology Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011
Most Popular Posts 2010 at The Soul Calendar
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Photos and Video: Rare 500 Year Lunar Eclipse - Check out amazing lunar eclipse photos and video from Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse 2010.
Visual Insights:
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers - Check out the most interesting offerings from some great designers this year.
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Funny New Years Animations and Clip Art
The Healing Waters:
Sleep Apnea: Taser Zap Your Tongue For Better Sleep - Is a cure for sleep apnea on the horizon?
Addiction: Teens Getting High on Kitchen Holiday Spices - The latest trend in cheap highs for teens - your kitchen spice rack.
Dennys Art Sanctuary:
Antiwar Street Artist Censored By LA Musuem
5 Jerkin Dance Tutorial Videos
Dennys People Watching:
The Golden Globes 2011: Winners and Gowns
Funny Video: SNL Skit Lampoons Speakers Pelosi and Boehner - Get a grin at the comedy routine of competing House Speakers from both sides of the political aisle. The tough guy GOP Speaker is reduced to tears - by a savvy woman.
From Cafe del Rey: Mediterranean pizza - From a famous restaurant - Pizza dough, tomato sauce and basil pesto - 3 recipes.
Los Angeles Canters Bakery Recipe: Chocolate Cheesecake - Try this well-loved easy one layer sheet cheesecake.
The Farm of Beverly Hills: Chocolate Sandwich Cookies - Chocolate goodness impresses in this famous restaurant cookie from Beverly Hills.
L. A. Westside Tavern Restaurant: Warm Toffee Cake - Check out how a Los Angeles restaurant has updated the dessert comfort food for a heavenly taste experience.
Las Vegas American Fish Restaurant: Caesar Salad - Check out this awesome version of the famous salad by renowned famous Chef Michael Mina
Denver Rackhouse Pub: Beer Baked Mac N Cheese - Several creamy cheeses and wonderful beer combine for a slice of comfort food heaven.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Global Politics
The Social Poets - news, politics, political cartoon humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on favorite foods and international
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, seafood and more comfort food goodies
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - more crazy humor
Dennys Blog Feeds - see what's posting at all Denny's blogs at a glance
reade more...
From Denny: The past month I've been busy rounding up what the readers enjoyed throughout the year on all the blogs. It's amazing what people find intriguing - like the crazy humor post about the sloths over at Dennys Funny Quotes. The sloth post has gone past 30,000 views. People just love the cute little guys in the video. It's for a good cause too - a sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica.
Thanks, all of you, for visiting, commenting, subscribing in feeds and email updates! Your support is much appreciated!
Links follow * * *
The Social Poets:
Funny Politics: Obama 2011 State Of The Union Cartoons - How the cartoonists viewed the 2011 SOTU and cracked Republican responses.
Taxpayers to Golman Sachs: Give Us Back Our $3 Billion You Stole - Wall Street corruption, detailed blow by blow, in commission report - and still no one goes to jail.
Guns, Economy, Political Discourse Cartoons - Check out what cartoonists had to say this week about our economy and guns in America.
Mother Holy Spirit poem - Libations Sunday 23 Jan 2011 - What do you know about the - sometimes controversial - feminine principle of God?
China Visit Cartoons - Check out the funny opinions from the national cartoonists since China came to town.
Poll: Palin Wears Thin on America
Funny News: Check Out That Huge Honking Political Gavel - Check out the amusing history of our American House Speakers and the gavels they wield like weapons in the political chamber.
Political Discourse American Style: Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011 - Check out the gun cartoons and how cartoonists view political discourse in America.
37 Guns Issue and Tucson Shooting Cartoons - Check out how cartoonists drew their opinions about the Tucson tragedy that occurred only last weekend.
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes
Shooting Victim Rep. Giffords Responds Well to Friends and Family - Good news: Update on Rep. Giffords recovery process.
News Analysis: Soul-Searching in America Over Giffords Shooting - How the politics of violence has become the national conversation. Political cartoons too.
Democrat, Rep. Giffords, Shot In Head At Rally By Crazed Gunman Attack: 6 Dead - Poisonous politics from the Republicans have come to this - shooting the good politicians and innocent bystanders.
Crazy American Political Humor - 8 Jan 2011 - House Republicans gleefully take over the American government yet bluff their way through the job and mess up. Democrats gloat and snicker.
Clueless New House GOP Act Like Bozos On First Day - First day on the job and the House GOP do not know how to do their job.
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers - Check out the most interesting offerings from some great designers this year.
Funny Video: Happy New Year, Cartoonist Review of 2010 - Get a New Year grin at the cartoonist review of our last political year.
New Year Celebrations: History And Trivia - Check out how celebrating the New Year was once considered controversial throughout history.
Crazy American Political Humor - 1 Jan 2011 - New Years, Christmas and politics all converge for your amusement by your favorite cartoonists.
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Wonderful Serious Quotes About Time
Poll: Most Admired People For 2010 - Check out the most admired people in America for 2010.
Arrested WikiLeaks Founder Signs $1.3 Million Book Deal To Tell All - Rape, treason and information-dealing pay off for WikiLeaks Assange.
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010 - Check out the most recent funny Santa cartoons along with some cracked cartooning minds.
Funny Christmas Cartoons - Check out the irreverent cartoonist offerings for the holiday season.
Dennys Global Politics:
Egypt Uprising: Throes of Revolution, Why? - Learn more about Egypt, their righteous grievances, their push for democracy.
Transcript: Obama 2011 State Of The Union Address
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Global Politics - Check out some stellar political cartoons chronicling social issues and politics throughout the year, news analysis and opinion.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Cranky Senator McCain - Cranky politicians make themselves useful as objects suitable for satire.
Political Cartoons: Obama 2011 State Of The Union
39 Funny Satire Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011 - Cartoons that will keep you laughing for a life time as you see yourself - or your neighbor - from a laughable angle.
Popular Posts 2010 at Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - Get your laughs here and watch your bad day melt away while you fall off your chair laughing.
Most Popular Posts 2010 at The Soul Calendar
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers
Funny Videos: Dancing Penguins - Get a grin at a real dancing penguin that was on the news and another animated hip song version.
Funny Videos: Happy New Year From Cartoonists - Check out the cartoonists funny idea of wishing us a Happy New Year.
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010 - Check out the most recent funny Santa cartoons along with some cracked cartooning minds.
Funny Video: WikiLeaks Reveals Santa Naughty List - View a cute problem-solving session on the school playground.
Funny Video: Jimmy Kimmel Pokes Fun At WikiLeaks Assange - Comedians rip silly WikiLeaks founder Assange. WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Gets a New Prison Nickname
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd:
Weird News: Octuplet Mom Films Odd Fetish Video - Just when you thought life and entertainment could not get any stranger, well, it does.
Leftover Funny Christmas Cartoons in January
Popular Posts 2010 at Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd
Poems From A Spiritual Heart:
Blue Heron Balancing the Wind - The agony and victory of creating our balance in Life.
Silent Voice Singing - Our writing voice is heard in the silence.
Water of Life - Have you ever wondered the messages Nature speaks to us every day, happening every minute all around us? Great Nature photos.
Video: Happy New Year 2011 Animated Dancing Penguins - Enjoy an amusing New Year wish from the animated corner of the world. New York Times Square 2011 New Year video too.
New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss - In spite of all the negatives going on around us in our daily life these things shall soon pass. Keep your balance and strive to better the world.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
Poem: Snowing The Perfect Balance - How is our life affected by our perceptions and which perception helps us bring everything into balance?
Are You Willing To Step Over Your Self-Imposed Limits? - Do you feel you are on a plateau going nowhere? How to move past where you are in Life to receive your blessings.
Dennys Art Sanctuary:
Art Video: Happy New Year From Cartoonist - Enjoy an artist drawing a New Year doodle, a singing animation New Year wish and the 2011 New York Times Square New Year video.
5 Jerkin Dance Tutorial Videos
The Soul Calendar:
Funny Technology Cartoons For A Laugh - Get a grin at some crazy cartoons about living in a tech world and enjoy a fish head photo illusion.
Cosmic Bloodhound: Hubble Telescope Finds Distant Ancient Galaxy? - Check out what Hubble has found in the primordial beginnings of our universe.
What Is The 200 Year Mystery of Epsilon Aurigae? - Check out the latest findings to answer the 200 year old questions baffling astronomers.
Funny Technology Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011
Most Popular Posts 2010 at The Soul Calendar
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Photos and Video: Rare 500 Year Lunar Eclipse - Check out amazing lunar eclipse photos and video from Winter Solstice total lunar eclipse 2010.
Visual Insights:
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers - Check out the most interesting offerings from some great designers this year.
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Funny New Years Animations and Clip Art
The Healing Waters:
Sleep Apnea: Taser Zap Your Tongue For Better Sleep - Is a cure for sleep apnea on the horizon?
Addiction: Teens Getting High on Kitchen Holiday Spices - The latest trend in cheap highs for teens - your kitchen spice rack.
Dennys Art Sanctuary:
Antiwar Street Artist Censored By LA Musuem
5 Jerkin Dance Tutorial Videos
Dennys People Watching:
The Golden Globes 2011: Winners and Gowns
Funny Video: SNL Skit Lampoons Speakers Pelosi and Boehner - Get a grin at the comedy routine of competing House Speakers from both sides of the political aisle. The tough guy GOP Speaker is reduced to tears - by a savvy woman.
From Cafe del Rey: Mediterranean pizza - From a famous restaurant - Pizza dough, tomato sauce and basil pesto - 3 recipes.
Los Angeles Canters Bakery Recipe: Chocolate Cheesecake - Try this well-loved easy one layer sheet cheesecake.
The Farm of Beverly Hills: Chocolate Sandwich Cookies - Chocolate goodness impresses in this famous restaurant cookie from Beverly Hills.
L. A. Westside Tavern Restaurant: Warm Toffee Cake - Check out how a Los Angeles restaurant has updated the dessert comfort food for a heavenly taste experience.
Las Vegas American Fish Restaurant: Caesar Salad - Check out this awesome version of the famous salad by renowned famous Chef Michael Mina
Denver Rackhouse Pub: Beer Baked Mac N Cheese - Several creamy cheeses and wonderful beer combine for a slice of comfort food heaven.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Global Politics
The Social Poets - news, politics, political cartoon humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts - my own best as well as links to other spiritual posts from all viewpoints
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on favorite foods and international
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, seafood and more comfort food goodies
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd - more crazy humor
Dennys Blog Feeds - see what's posting at all Denny's blogs at a glance