Here are all those posts you haven't had time to read or bookmark from this week. I figure you are just as eclectic and curious about your world as I am about mine, judging by the large amounts of traffic all these blogs have been receiving lately. Thank you for coming by for a visit!
It does help that I've been figuring out these past few months how best to organize and market these posts so you can easily - and quickly - find what is of interest to you. I know I don't like to get bogged down paging through someone's blog when all they had to do was provide some links on the sidebar or in a related post.
Sure it takes more time as a blogger to do so but it's always worth the effort. People appreciate it. As a writer, a blogger or a creative person, you don't just create or write for yourself. You have an audience and it's a good attitude to care about their interests and convenience as well. Taking time for all these technical details does pull time away from writing - sometimes, my poetry suffers when I don't have enough "think and gestate" time and it gets delayed like it did this week as I was changing over 14 blogs into new templates.
But, on balance, creative people might want to keep in mind not to get too self-absorbed with the writing or artwork as you will lose your people skills. Without people skills no one will be that interested in your writing or artwork anyway. Many times I've been at a weekend outdoor art showing of local artists and was about to purchase a painting, fiberwork or pottery only to be completely turned off by the odious attitude of the artist. I walk away every time.
The diva attitude of "you will get nothing and like it" is a sorry way to travel through life. There is so much more available for us if only we keep our hearts open and loving toward others. Sure there are those who test our patience and erode our good attitude - just keep walking through that day until you meet someone of a better attitude who is trying to have good relationships.
That's what the Easter season, even the Easter bunny, really represents. This is a time for renewal inside and out, a time to refresh our tattered attitudes and start again with new hope for our lives. Welcome the sunshine into your life this Spring!
The Social Poets:
Unsexy, Unpopular and Unflattering Political Cartoons - 3 Apr 2010
Legacy of Love poem - Libations Friday 2 Apr 2010
Funny Easter Bunny Cartoons and April Fools Day Fun
Funny April Fools Day - Cheeky Quote Day 31 Apr 2010
Awesome Story of Giving That Healed a Town: A Circle of Hands
Health Care Quips and Tea Party Jabs, Roundup of Late Night Comedy - 29 Mar 2010
Dennys Global Politics:
Environmentalists Furious with Obama, CIA Clandestine Director, Famous White House Butler Dies, No Faith in Pope - New Headlines 3 Apr 2010
GOP Sex Scandals, Republicans in a Mess, Obama Foreign Policy and Popularity Polls, Psychic Faces Beheading - News Headlines 1 Apr 2010
American Oil Drilling, Besieged Pope, Studying Laughter, Birds DNA Give Clues to Our Speech - News Headlines 31 Mar 2010
Iran Scientist Defects to America, Obama Issues Sanctions - News Headlines 30 Mar 2010
Hate Groups On the Rampage, Big Banks Skirting the Law - Headlines 29 Mar 2010
From Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
8 Easter Quotes and 3 Easter Poems
3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times
Uplifting Soul Quote: What is Your Power in the World?
Do You Treat Your Ideas Like Beautiful Magic?
From The Soul Calendar - science and astronomy:
New Astronomy Photos: Cosmic Rosebud, Winds of Change Black Hole, Orion Nebula
Mysterious 4,000 Year Old European Mummie Found in China
Now Peru Faces Water Wars From Climate Change
Come to Iceland: Experience Living With a Volcano in Your BackYard
Moon Water: Order Up Your Cocktail Today
The Food Blogs:
Play Fun With Your Food: Mini Frittata Crostinis, Mini Wonton Quiches
Forget the Birds: Awesome Recipes 4 Stale Bread
Flourless Passover Chocolate Cake
Awesome Sauces 4 Louisiana Seafood
Spring Into Grill Season: Mouthwatering Steaks
Chef Rocco Dispiritos Cheap Yet Healthy Comfort Food
Kid Chefs Offer Tasty Recipes 4 Sandwiches Adults Will Like
Spring Food: Chef Kellers Marinated Skirt Steak, Ice Cream Sandwiches
Louisiana Crawfish Etouffee From Lafittes Landing
From the Humor Blogs:
Funny Surfing Peruvian Alpaca
Religious Sex Scandal Cartoons
Funny Marriage Quotes
Funny Easter Bunny Cartoons and April Fools Day Fun
Photo blog:
Dennys Photo Gallery: Spectacular Sunrises
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
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