From Denny: These are all the posts I managed to get out this week while suffering through all this crazy summer heat and humidity. This summer Louisiana didn't have the usual whiners' bragging rights about the summer heat. The rest of America got to "share" - and a lot of the world too! :)
One bit of good news: Prez Obama is thinking of lifting the oil moratorium here on the Gulf coast. Uh, yeah, put 300,000 people back to work would be helpful for this economy - not to mention the rest of America would appreciate not having their fuel prices skyrocket this winter from a low supply.
Earth to White House: It sure would be great if you would lift this moratorium immediately - and gift it to Congressman Charlie Melancon to announce it. Lifting the moratorium would help Melancon win in November against Whore House Vitter, a complete embarrassment as a senator from Louisiana. Louisiana is all a twitter and excited about getting back to work - so make it happen, Mr. Prez, and it would be much appreciated.
And to my StumbleUpon friends: Now isn't one silly email a whole lot less annoying than a bunch of "shares"? :)
The Social Poets:
Obama Blasted for Saying Religious Tolerance OK in America - Republicans try to turn the Constitution into an issue for the November elections - now they are against religious freedom for anyone not Christian.
America and World Politics Cartoons - 14 Aug 2010 - Check out the latest opinions on the economy, the November elections, the building of a mosque on Ground Zero in New York City and education in America now that budget cuts have arrived.
Obama Sends Thousands More Jobs Out of America: Mexico - Prez Obama tricked by GM to send thousands of jobs out of America and to Mexico.
Doctor Says Kids Suffer More From Gulf Oil Spill - Check out the long term impact this BP oil spill has on America's children in the Gulf region.
How Male Journalists Fight: Whiz All Over Each Other - American male journalists in the Democratic Party and the White House fuss and fight each other while the public is frustrated about the economy.
Earth to White House: Why You Are Getting Criticized - The White House is complaining it is not appreciated enough for what it has done. Here's why fellow Democrats are angry with the President.
Funny Video: Colbert Reveals Master Plan to Ruin Gay Marriage
Funny Video: Jon Stewart Comments on Gay Marriage - Californigaytion
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 8 Aug 2010 - Check out news, political opinion - serious and funny cartoons, recipes, science news, poetry, funny posts, photography, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.
The Soul Calendar:
BP Oil Spill and Global Warming Cartoons - 14 Aug 2010 - The BP oil spill continues in the news as they try to squirm out of paying for the error of their arrogant ways.
Check Out Spectacular August Perseid Meteor Showers - Look up in the middle of the night to see as many as 100 shooting stars above your head for a spectacular show brought to you by the Universe!
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
How Is Your Aim In Life? - How high - or how limited - are your goals in Life?
Friendship Quote: When Friends First Meet and Connect - How friendships begin and can last a life time.
The Healing Waters:
Want Others To Think You Sexy? Wear Red - How the color of red figures into our sexual preferences.
How Funny: Your Belly Button Key to Athletic Success - Check out your body type to know which sport is easier for you to excel.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Hunh?! Cartoons - 14 Aug 2010 - Check out this week's great cartoonists and how funny everyday life can be.
Palin Memory Fails, Writes on Her Hand: Again - Strange Sarah Palin does it again and again: writes on her hand like it's an 8th grade math test for answers to cheat the test.
Weird News: Oregon Authorities Shut Down Girls Lemonade Stand - Local Oregon government looked like jerks shutting down the all American lemonade stand because the little girl didn't own a food handler's license that only adults can purchase.
Weird News: Woman Smashes McDonalds For Not Having Her Order - Check out this weird news of the day - what happens when McDonald's doesn't have what an enraged customer wants on the breakfast menu.
Funny News: 100 Year Old Scotch Whiskey Thaws Out to Drink - Strange but true: check out this funny news of the day.
Dennys People Watching:
Meet New Baby Elephant at Vienna Zoo: Big Ears - The naming process is in full swing for this one week old baby elephant born to a Vienna, Austria zoo. Vote online for your choice.
Dennys Food and Recipes:
Chef Recipe: Seared Grouper with Crawfish, Bacon Risotto, Softshell Crab - Louisiana chefs celebrate fabulous new recipes in local food and wine competition.
Easy Slow Cooker Recipe: Macaroni Chili Cheese Casserole - For back to school busy try this simple recipe for a slow cooker the whole family is sure to enjoy.
Cake Tuesday: Buttermilk Fudge Cake With Chocolate Gloss Icing - Make a stunning tasty chocolate cake to entertain your sweet tooth.
4 Easy Summer Dishes When Its Just Too Hot to Cook - Try some easy and quick summer recipes to beat the crazy heat - and avoiding cooking with any heat.
Visual Insights:
Tea Party, Republican, Gay Marriage Cartoons - 14 Aug 2010 - Check out the usual amusing rantings from the far-right-gone-over-the-edge-crazy.
*** Coffee photo by Quoquo @ flickr
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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
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