From Denny: All this weekend - and early this week - I've had the usual case of "Fall Fever." Who really wants to stay inside after a dreadful summer of weirdly high heat and humidity? When Louisiana weather calms down to cooler temperatures at night and low humidity during the day it's, well, irresistible. And the blogging just had to wait this weekend.
It was also a case of cleaning up all the overgrown "everything" in the flower beds since it's been several months - when it was so hot and humid medical professionals were telling everyone it was too hard on your heart to be out in the heat doing hard workouts.
Anyway, my crazy plants thank you for your patience. They now have newly planted homes since there were so many of them multiplying they had to move out from their parents' homes and into new places in the yard. Purple irises love to spread the love.
Chocolate Mint has pink trumpet flowers Photo by Denny Lyon
The party down plants are the chocolate mint. They are indestructible - whether it's flooding rain waters or drought - these crazy plants just keep on thriving! I'm wondering if they are the comedians of the plant kingdom.
What's nice about chocolate mint is that hummingbirds love them as much as those fat bumblebees. When pollinating insects were rare the past couple of years, well, it must have been because they were all partying over in my yard.
Try crushing the leaves of the chocolate mint in your hands and you get this light chocolate scent wafting up into the breeze along with a faint mint companion. You can even cut back chocolate mint and treat it like a low growing shrub or let it go hog wild and it looks like a two foot tall grass. Definitely a cool plant.
I've come to the conclusion that all artists must be gardeners. It's just such an irresistible canvas to play with and shift and change at will. Of course, the mud factor is definitely appealing too. :)
Included here are links from the past couple of weeks and some popular posts too - especially recipes. Lots of humor to keep you de-stressed and laughing! Make sure to check out the new convenient Google Blogger gadgets on the blogs that feature the most recent posts and the most popular posts.
Recent Post Roundups:
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 27 Sept 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 19 Sept 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 12 Sept 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 22 Aug 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 15 Aug 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 8 Aug 2010
The Social Poets:
American and World Politics Cartoons - 2 Oct 2010
Friday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 1 Oct 2010
Funny Video: Jon Stwart Announces Restore to Sanity Rally
Funny Video: Colbert Announces Keep Fear Alive March
Funny Video: Jon Stwart Lampoons Republican New Pledge As Tired Old Pledge
Funny Video: Stewart Questions Character of Congress
Funny Video: Colbert Ponders Tea Party Christines Next Crazy Outburst
Funny Video: Stewart Finds Obama Kryptonite
Funny Video: Jon Stearrt Discusses Rally to Restore Sanity Advice From Larry Wilmore
Funny Video: Stewart Says Tea Party Won The Battle For The Soul Of The GOP
Funny Video: Colbert Proposes Christine O'Donnell Witch Test
Funny Video: March to Keep Fear Alive Media Coverage
Democrats: 400 Groups Rally This Weekend 4 Jobs and Votes
Creep Factor: Feds Turning X-Rays on Americans to Catch Terrorists?
What Is Really Happening In This BP Claims Process?
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 27 Sept 2010
America and World Politics Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinion on American and world politics this week.
Presidential Memoirs: Who Bombed, Who Soared and Why - Check out some fun facts about presidential memoirs, how well they were paid and who really wrote some of them.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 19 Sept 2010
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
A Delightful Way Of Seeing Our Lives
How Do You Fit Into The Universe?
How Well Do You Handle Adversity?
President Theodore Roosevelt Quote About Courage
Do You Promote Others As Well As Yourself?
Meditative Moon Photos - The moon continues to fascinate humanity - and creative photographers.
7 Thoughtful Quotes About The Future - Enjoy these reflections upon how we think about our future.
A Healing Spiritual Poem: Waking The Day - Spiritual symbolism is all around us in our daily life, ready to help heal and balance.
Ancient Healing Oil: Sandalwood - Modern technology life can be stressful and counter productive to spiritual growth. Try this essential oil to bring balance into your life.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Funny Tech and Situational Hunh?! Cartoons - 2 Oct 2010
AWwwww For Cat Lovers: Animated Cartoon, Simons Cat in the Box
Funny Video: Priest on a Skateboard
Funny Hunh?! Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out this week's amusing observations about Life: relationships, pets and the tech world cartoons.
22 Funny Situational Hunh?! Cartoons - 18 Sept 2010 - Check out the funny twisted minds of cartoonists as they envision various life situations.
25 Ridiculously Funny Celebrity Duck Face Photos - Laugh at celebrities posing for the camera, mocking sexy.
Republican Tea Party of the Devil: Meet Satanist Christine ODonnell - Tea Party Delaware Senate nominee admits to practicing witchcraft and Satanism.
Funny Video: Bounty Mocks High School With Rap - Video: Bounty Brings It. Paper Towel Gang Keeps it Clean - great rap music video production for an ad.
Funny Work Cartoons - 23 Aug 2010 - Funny Work Cartoons - 23 Aug 2010
Dennys Food and Recipes:
Famous Restaurant P.F. Chang: Ground Spiced Chicken in Lettuce Wraps
Cake Tuesday: Chocolate Sin Cake From New Orleans - Rich cake from a hundred year old famous New Orleans restaurant: Café Sbisa.
Sesame-Ginger Truffles From Culinary Institute of America - A simple tasty recipe worth of gift giving during the holidays.
Red Lobster Restaurant: Cheddar Bay Biscuits
4 Casseroles 4 School Night Dinners: Chicken, Tex Mex, Tamale, Shepherds Pie - Check out some family favorites, easy and quick to cook - and nutritious.
Muffin Monday: 5 Yummy Breakfast Muffins - Skip the coffee shop muffin, make your own, save some money and save a whole lot of calories too.
5 Easy Game Day Recipes For A Barbecue - Simple crowd pleasing recipes, easy to make, for your successful tailgating on game day weekends.
Cake Tuesday: Lemon Cheese-Filled Cake - Check out what heavenly confection you can do with a simple cake mix.
Celebrate: Yummy Southern Gulf Coast Shrimp and Crab Boil - Find out how easy it is to do your own shrimp and crab boil to celebrate the great seafood of the summer!
Visual Insights:
American Economy Cartoons - 2 Oct 2010
Cartoons About Our American Economy - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinions this week on the state of the American economy.
Dennys Photo Gallery: Our Mysterious Moon - The moon continues to fascinate humanity - and creative photographers.
Dennys Photo Gallery: Swinging Good Fun!
Arts: Fun Incredible Beach Art Photos
Raucous Tea Party Republicans Cartoons - 21 Aug 2010 - Check out what the cartoonists are lampooning about the Tea Party and the Republican idea of politics this time!
Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Yummy Artichokes and 11 Recipes
Arts: Whimsical Fiber Artist Ed Bing Lee - This fiber artist has a sense of the whimsy while he explores new ways to use simple knotting techniques to develop his art.
Funny Photos: How Your Brain Can Be Fooled
Dennys Photo Gallery: Summer Heat Wave
Dennys People Watching:
Education Reformer Michelle Rhee Takes Hits For Bold Action - Take a look at town hall debate after viewing the education documentary film "Waiting For Superman" as NBC kicks off their reports on education in America.
Funny Outrageous Tea Party Politics - Check out cartoonist opinion this week as they draw the funny happenings from the Tea Party.
American Education Sec. Arne Duncan Talks Reform in Education
*** Coffee photo by Quoquo @ flickr
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The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
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