The Social Poets: Groundhog Day Louisiana Style: New Orleans T-Boy, Baton Rouge Boudreaux: From Denny: Groundhog Day contenders are popping up all over America. Groundhogs are not native to Louisiana (because it's too hot) but we didn't allow a little factoid like that to stop us. Louisiana likes it's holidays so what effort was it to rustle up another creative idea than to draft the swamp rat nutria into the Groundhog Day?
Up in the northern part of America it's considered really bad news when a groundhog sees its shadow, foretelling another miserable six weeks of winter. But here in Louisiana it means a spring that is shorter than usual.
A short spring means summer's grueling heat and drippy humidity will return sooner than desired. So, you see, burrow-loving animals can come in handy to predict the weather both in the chilly North and the hottie Deep South.
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